

Boreal Owl (Tengmalm’s Owl)

Latin: Aegolius funereus (Linné 1758)
Svenska: Pärluggla
Deutsch: Raufußkauz

It´s a tough life
The Boreal owl has a tough life. Both the marten (relative of otters and badgers) and the Ural owl will gladly eat it up. The Boreal owl only eats voles and mice, but there aren’t always too many voles or mice in the forest!

Boreal owls are occasionally found in central and northern parts of Uppland.

They stay in Uppland all year, but some female Boreal owls might take a longer ‘vacation’ some winters.

Photo: Bogdan Persson ©

Latest sightings of the Boreal owl in Uppland 

NatureGate on the Boreal owl

Wikipedia article on the Boreal owl

  • Species List
  • Nature
  • Excursions