

Ural Owl

Latin: Strix uralensis (Pallas 1771)
Svenska: Slaguggla
Deutsch: Habichtskauz

Watch your eyes
If you come upon an Ural owl’s nest, you should turn around and get out of there. Females sometimes attack without warning. If you do happen to be attacked, cover your eyes straightaway.

The Ural owl mostly eats voles and mice, but it may eat the occasional bird. Ural owls are found in forested areas in central and northern Uppland.

Your best chance of hearing the Ural owl’s territorial calls is from late February to early April. Most often, it begins to call just after dusk. After a few hours’ pause, it will start to call again in the darkest part of the night. The most intense period is normally during the hours before dawn.

Photo: Martin Alexandersson ©

Latest sightings of ural owls in Uppland 

The Owl Pages on the ural owl

NatureGate on the ural owl

Wikipedia article on the ural owl

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