

Snowy Owl

Latin: Bubo scandiacus (Linné 1758)
Svenska: Fjälluggla
Deutsch: Schnee-Eule

Big and white
The snowy owl nests up in the mountains and tundra. Some years, there aren’t any in Sweden, but other years there may be several, even as far as southern Sweden. It’s easy to recognize this owl because it’s quite large and quite white. The male is even whiter than the female.

Snowy owls will occasionally visit Uppland during the winter months. Between 1970 and 1993, about 55 snowy owls were sighted in Uppland.

The snowy owl can make long trips depending on the availability of lemmings, its preferred prey. Snowy owls who overwinter in Uppland might nest in eastern Siberia in the summer!

Photo: Wikipedia Commons

Latest sightings of snowy owls in Uppland 

The Owl Pages on the snowy owl

NatureGate on the snowy owl

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