Red-breasted Merganser
Latin: Mergus serrator (Linné 1758)
Svenska: Småskrake
Deutsch: Mittelsäger
Messy hair day
The red-breasted merganser can be recognized partly on the tousle on the back of their neck. It eats a lot of fish and has a thin beak lined with sharp teeth, which make it easy to grab a slippery one.
Red-breasted mergansers are common along Uppland’s coast, and are also found in freshwater lake areas such as Mälaren and Erken.
These birds migrate from mid-September to mid-December towards the southern Baltic Sea and Central Europe, returning in April or May.
Photo: Alan D. Wilson ©
Latest sightings of red-breasted mergansers in Uppland
NatureGate on the red-breasted merganser
Wikipedia article on the red-breasted merganser