

Common Goldeneye

Latin: Bucephala clangula (Linné 1758)
Svenska: Knipa
Deutsch: Schellente

In the spring, the male common goldeneye tries to catch the eye of the females. Males throw their heads backwards toward their spines and make a rumbling noise. They might remind you a little of hard rockers at a concert!

In the 19th century, the goldeneye was primarily a bird of Norrland, and was only found in the northwestern Dalälven area during breeding season. Nowadays, they can be seen near the Övre Föret or Ekoln between March and October.

Most goldeneyes migrate southwards in late September through to November towards southern and southwestern Sweden. The goldeneye normally returns to Uppland between February and April.

Latest sightings of common goldeneyes in Uppland 

Video of the common goldeneye courting behavior (Youtube) 

NatureGate on the common goldeneye

Wikipedia article on the common goldeneye

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