

White Wagtail

Latin: Motacilla alba (Linné 1758)
Svenska: Sädesärla
Deutsch: Bachstelze

The symbol of spring
The white wagtail is an active bird; its tail is constantly bobbing up and down. For many, its return to Uppland is a symbol of spring, because it regularly arrives between the 3rd and the 10th of April.

There are about 40,000 pairs in Uppland. If you want to see a white wagtail, you should check around parking lots in the end of April. Maybe you will see some by the Islandsfallet in Uppsala?

From the end of August to the beginning of October, these birds migrate to the area around Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, and Sudan, returning in early April.

Photo: Aron Sandling ©

Latest sightings of white wagtails in Uppland 

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