

Common Reed

Latin: Phragmites australis
Svenska: Bladvass
Deutsch: Schilfrohr

The longest grass
The common reed is the longest grass in Uppland. It has its flowers in a tassel formation that spread pollen at the end of the summer. The reed creates an almost impenetrable jungle where many birds can hide.

This reed is very common throughout Uppland and often dominates lakeside
vegetation. It is also common in ditches, forest marshes and in bogs. In the 19th
century, this reed was not as common as it is today, because shore meadows were cut for hay.

The common reed blooms between August and September. During the winter, the reeds survive using their roots.

Photo: Emil Nilsson

Wikipedia article on Phragmites australis

  • Species List
  • Nature
  • Excursions