

Reed Warbler

Latin: Acrocephalus scirpaceus (Hermann 1804)
Svenska: Rörsångare
Deutsch: Teichrohrsänger

A ’new’ songbird
Today, the reed warbler can be found throughout Uppland. It first came to Uppland in the early 1900’s, and first nested in Ekoln in 1918. Changes can come quickly in the aviary world.

The reed warbler hides itself in the reeds all over Uppland. If you want to hear the reed warbler, take a stroll along Linneaus’ ‘Danmark’ trail, from Uppsala centre to Kungsängen, in May. You can also go to Dalkarlskärret or Hjälstaviken.

Reed warblers migrate in August or September to tropical Africa, returning to Uppland in May.

Photo: Hans-Olov Bond ©

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