Grey Heron
Latin: Ardea cinerea (Linné 1758)
Svenska: Gråhäger
Deutsch: Graureiher
The harpooner
The grey heron is a master of ambush. It can stand incredibly still in the same position for a very long time. When a frog swims within reach, the heron reacts in the blink of an eye. It shoots out its neck and beak to harpoon the frog!
Herons build their nests in colonies, of which there are about 30 in Uppland.
The grey heron migrates southwards in October and November. It spends the winter in Western Europe or in Northern Africa, and returns in early April. A small number of herons may spend the winter in Uppland.
Photo: Elvor Ohlin
Latest sightings of grey herons in Uppland
NatureGate on the grey heron
Wikipedia article on the grey heron