

Western Marsh-Harrier

Latin: Circus aeruginosus (Linné 1758)
Svenska: Brun kärrhök
Deutsch: Rohrweihe

Soaring above the surface
The Western marsh-harrier often soars about a meter above the water’s surface, and may suddenly drop down into the reeds if it sees something edible. Western marsh-harriers eat voles, ducklings, and frogs, but they can also eat fish and carrion.

The Western marsh-harrier is found by lakes, rivers, and bays that are rich in reeds. These birds have been in Uppland for a long time, though there was a sharp reduction in their population in the late 19th century. Its numbers began to rise after the species was placed under protection in the early 20th century.

Between the middle of August and the beginning of October, the Western marsh-harrier migrates to Mediterranean countries and to tropical Africa. It returns in the beginning of April.

Photo: Dan Jönsson ©

Latest observations of Western marsh-harriers in Uppland 

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