Common Brimstone
Latin: Gonepteryx rhamni
Svenska: Citronfjäril
Deutsch: Zitronenfalter
First sign of spring
The common brimstone butterfly is out early in the spring. By March, one can already see the first males flying about. It is also a relatively long-lived butterfly, and can live from July in its first summer to June the summer afterwards!
Common brimstones can be found throughout Uppland. They spend the winter as adult butterflies, and lay eggs on alder buckthorn or common buckthorn shrubs in the summer. They then die, and a new generation is born. You can see the common brimstone butterfly from late March to August.
Photo: Emil Nilsson
Latest sightings of common brimstone butterflies in Uppland
Naturegate on the common brimstone butterfly
Wikipedia article on the common brimstone butterfly