Neckera moss
Latin: Neckera pennata (Hedw.)
Svenska: Aspfjädermossa
Deutsch: Gefiedertes Neckermoos
Spread by springtails
These mosses fertilize by sperm. They swim in the film of water that encompasses mosses on rainy days. Very small insects, springtails and mites live in mosses. They also transfer spermatozoa from the male parts to the female parts.
Neckera moss has both male and female parts on the same plant. In order for the female parts to build spores, the ‘seeds’ of the moss, it must first be fertilized by sperm from the male parts. There are also many mosses that are unisexual, where the moss plant is either a male plant or a female plant.
This moss is found throughout Uppland and remains green all year round. It is the county moss of Uppland, and about half of Sweden’s one hundred known neckera moss habitats are within the county.
Photo: Tomas Hallingbäck
Latest sightings of neckera moss in Uppland
Wikipedia on neckera moss
USDA on neckera moss