

Yellowfoot (Musroom)

Latin: Craterellus tubaeformis
Svenska: Trattkantarell
Deutsch: Trompetenpfifferling

Underground channels
Not much happens above ground. Under it however, yellowfoot mushrooms produce a large network which connects it to coniferous trees. In exchange, these fungi pass along nutrients which the trees have difficulty taking up themselves.

Not many animals eat yellowfoot mushrooms. Some slugs eat their above-ground parts, and occasionally so will wild boar and roe deer. Springtails can eat their below-ground parts.

These mushrooms can be found throughout Uppland.

During mild winters, you might even be able to pick yellowfoot mushrooms in December!

Wikipedia article on the yellowfoot 

CAUTION: DO NOT confuse the yellowfoot with the poisonous webcaps (Cortinarius rubellus)

Swedish Poisons Information Centre – multilingual mushroom brochure 

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