


Latin: Corvus corax (Linné 1758)
Svenska: Korp
Deutsch: Kolkrabe

Family birds
Ravens keep to their small family groups. You can often hear their clucking and cackling sounds before you see them. They often 'play' by diving and doing loops in the air. It looks as if it's fun to be a raven!

The raven will eat almost anything. It will gladly puts its beak in leftovers that larger predators leave behind.

Today, ravens are quite common in Uppland. This was not the case a hundred years ago. The raven population has grown by over a thousand percent in the last decades! Gustav Kolthoff, who built the original museum before Biotopia (the Biological museum), wrote in 1907 that the raven was rarely found anywhere but in the mountains. What a contrast to today!

The raven stay in Uppland throughout the year.

Photo: Hans Falklind©

Latest sightings of ravens in Uppland 

NatureGate on the common raven

Wikipedia article on the common raven 

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