

Golden Eagle

Latin: Aquila chrysaetos (Linné 1758)
Svenska: Kungsörn
Deutsch: Steinadler

The golden one
Golden eagles are found in many places around the world. The golden eagle is the second-largest bird of prey in Sweden, coming after the white-tailed eagle. Despite its size, the golden eagle is quite flexible and can perform dives at breakneck speeds.

The golden eagle hunts hares, black grouse, and capercaillie, but might also eat the leftovers from larger predators like lynx and wolves.

Golden eagles can normally be found in Uppland from spring until autumn, but a small number might attempt to nest here.

Younger golden eagles might travel farther distances. Many of these eagles gather in Skåne, in southern Sweden, every year. Some eagles might also come from northern Sweden to stay in Uppland. 

Latest sightings of golden eagles in Uppland

NatureGate on the golden eagle

Wikipedia article on the golden eagle 

  • Species List
  • Nature
  • Excursions