

Jack Snipe

Latin: Lymnocryptes minimus (Brünnich 1764)
Svenska: Dvärgbeckasin
Deutsch: Zwergschnepfe

A horse on a wooden bridge
The Jack snipe is a small but distinctive bird. Just like its larger relatives, the Great snipe and the common snipe, this bird has an unusual way of attracting females. Male Jack snipes produce a call that sounds like a horse galloping on a wooden bridge!

Jack snipes build their nests in bogs. The closest nesting places to Uppland are in northern Dalarna. There are also Jack snipes who raise their young in Småland. On rare occasions, individual snipes have raised their young in Uppland. The best place to hear a Jack snipe is in the northernmost shore meadows in Hjälstaviken, after 10:00pm in early May.

From mid-September to late November, Jack snipes migrate southwards to southwestern Europe and the Mediterranean. In the spring, they rest in Uppland from mid-April to mid-May.

Photo: Umedeltats Fältstation©

Latest sightings of Jack snipes in Uppland 

NatureGate on the Jack snipe

Wikipedia article on the Jack snipe

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