

Temminck’s Stint

Latin: Calidris temminckii (Leisler 1812)
Svenska: Mosnäppa
Deutsch: Temminckstrandläufer

Little bird, long distances
Temminck's stints are small birds with a calm temperament. Despite their size, they are able to fly all the way to tropical Africa!

The closest nesting place for the Temminck's stint is in Härjedalen and in Västerbotten's coastal landscapes. To see this little wading bird in Uppland, head to Hjälstaviken or Angarnsjöängen in mid-May.

A few Temminck's stints rest in Uppland each year, from early July to September. They spend the winter in tropical Africa, and head back to their northern nesting places in May and early June.

Photo: Johan Södercrantz©

Latest sightings of Temminck's stints in Uppland 

NatureGate on the Temminck's stint 

Wikipedia article on Temminck's stint 

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