

Hen Harrier

Latin: Circus cyaneus (Linné 1766)
Svenska: Blå kärrhök
Deutsch: Kornweihe

Owl or gull?
The hen harrier is a mysterious bird. It might remind you of a gull while sailing over fields and meadows. If you look closer, though, it resembles an owl, with its large head and eyes.

The hen harrier builds its nest in the marshes of Norrland. If you want to see them around here, though, your best chance is by Angarnsjöängen, Hjälstaviken or Ledskär in September or October during their migration.

Hen harriers show up in Uppland around the month of September. They spend the winter in Western Europe, but some years a few individuals might spend the winter here. During the spring, most of the hen harriers pass by Uppland around April.

Photo: Dan Henriksson ©

Latest sightings of hen harriers in Uppland 

NatureGate on the hen harrier

Wikipedia article on the hen harrier 

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